Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Robbie Bobbies ... buy now for $20, sell a couple of hours later for $500

The power of the fat guy...it's awesome!!  If the attacks on him continue (and I hope they do) Rob Ford is gonna win another term hands down.  He won't even have to campaign for votes. 

From CalgaryHerald:
....The "Robbie Bobbie" bobbleheads  were selling for $20 each, with proceeds going to charity but within hours at least one of the dolls was posted for sale on Kijiji for $500.

Ford later showed up himself to autograph some of the dolls and greet supporters.

Some of those in line said they wanted the bobbing-head dolls to put on their desks, while others are planning to give them as gifts.

Among those hoping to get their hands on a bobblehead were the mayor's brother Coun. Doug Ford, who joked that due to the high demand, he was only allowed one of the figures.

"It speaks volumes by the amount of people that are downstairs (lining up)," Doug Ford said. "I don't think there's a politician in the country, including the prime minister, that could have bobblehead dolls and have them line up around the corner.".......

From TorontoSun:
Rob Ford bobbleheads expected to sell out fast. The official Mayor Rob Ford bobblehead goes on sale at City Hall on Tuesday.
Ford’s office is selling 1,000 bobbleheads — dubbed the “Robbie Bobbie” — at $20 apiece to raise money for the City of Toronto’s United Way campaign.

The bobbleheads start selling at 9 a.m. in the City Hall rotunda and are expected to go fast.....

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