Monday, November 4, 2013

New law imposed in Australia on burqas and niqabs

Why does it take this long to pass a commonsense law?  The initiative was in the works from 2011 but  their lefty government,  before the Conservatives came to power recently,  kept the Bill from being made into law, all this while.  The Left will sell even their mothers when they whore for those Muslim votes.  Ugh!

Such laws come about only because that certain segment of our population does not have the commonsense to understand that faces have to be shown so the individual can be identified as the person she claims to be. Why is that so difficult to understand?  Why does the Left have a problem with such simple logic?

From Bustle:
 West Australia passed a new law Friday  requiring veil-wearing Muslim women to show their faces in order to verify their identities, should police ask them to. Women who wear niqabs (pieces of cloth draped over the face) and burqas will now be impelled to remove the face-obscuring religious garments when questioned by authorities. The law does not affect women who wear the hair-and-neck-covering hijab. 

The original draft of the law referred only to “head wear,” bringing under its purview not only facial veils but also headscarves and turbans. However, after talking with Muslim and Sikh communities in the state, authorities decided not to overstep boundaries of privacy and religion quite that much.

The law is a response to outcry over a case from 2010, in which a woman was acquitted of knowingly making a false statement because authorities were unable to prove that the burqa-clad woman who made the statement was the same person as the accused. Doubts about the woman’s identity led to a similar burqa-restricting law in New South Wales being passed in 2011.......

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