Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Just In .... ignorant of the barbaric acts at the Tiananmen Square Massacre ....

but keeps handy a long list of barbers.

Ezra Levant writing at SunNews:
.....We already know what country Justin Trudeau admires most, besides Canada: China.

Not for its culture or history or even its economic growth. He admires it for its political system. That was the question. And that was his answer:

"You know, there's a level of of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say ‘we need to go green fastest ... we need to start investing in solar.' "

That's a shocking answer - factually false about Chinese pollution, morally blind to China's brutality, ignorant about what values are essential for a would-be Canadian prime minister. But no one in the crowd - this was at Trudeau's ladies' night fundraiser - even expressed surprise, let alone objection, to this startling statement.

Neither did the Liberal auxiliary campaign team - that is, the many reporters in the room. Not one media outlet reported the story, other than the Sun News Network.

It was only after the QMI Agency's story on Trudeau's gaffe went viral that other media grudgingly reported it. But not all other media - the CBC's national news waited three days before doing a perfunctory story on the subject, implying that Stephen Harper feels just the same way.

And as of last night, the country's largest newspaper, the Toronto Star, hasn't seen fit to write a single word on the matter.

But the news embargo on Trudeau's gaffe was broken by QMI Agency, and the story went viral. So the Media Party switched from pretend-it-didn't-happen mode to spin mode.

On Sunday, a 26-year old reporter with Canadian Press, who usually handles their film festival beat, thought she'd do her best to save her celebrity hero.

Here's the first sentence of the story Diana Mehta wrote: "An admission that he had a degree of admiration for China's method of governance had Justin Trudeau deflecting a volley of attacks through the weekend, but some suggested the Liberal leader's comments carried little to be aghast at."

Except Trudeau didn't say he had "a degree of admiration for China's method of governance." He said he admired their dictatorship. She couldn't even bring herself to repeat the word........


  1. You are aware of the -"Just in " - flashes the CBC runs on the news network ?
    I find these irritating and bordering on subliminal advertisement for their un-proclaimed candidate .... I think the CBC should be taken to task for such tacky brain-washing....
    I suggest " Just out " flashes !

    1. No gama ... I didn't know that. I thought it was my very own invention.
      I like your "Just Out" suggestion. Hope you don't mind if I use that sometimes.


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