Thursday, November 7, 2013

Iran ... possible deal to freeze nuclear project in the works?

Don't know what to make of this.  Didn't even know there were negotiations going on between the US and Iran on a nuclear deal.

Peter Foster and David Blair writing at TelegraphUK:
....US offers short-term nuclear deal    allowing Iran to continue enriching uranium
American negotiators want a six month freeze to Iran's nuclear programme to create time for a final agreement, but the terms risk a backlash from both Israel and Congress.
America has proposed a short-term nuclear agreement with Iran at a meeting in Geneva which would allow Tehran to continue enriching uranium at low levels, according to an aide briefed on the talks.
The goal is to freeze Iran’s nuclear programme for perhaps six months in order to create a breathing space for a comprehensive agreement to be negotiated.
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, warned on Thursday that any deal which failed to stop Iran from enriching uranium would be a “mistake of historic proportions”.
Western diplomats and US officials have refused to disclose any details of a “first step agreement”. But a Senate aide, citing briefings from the White House, the State Department and sources in Geneva, said he understood that it would include four key points.
 Iran would stop enriching uranium to the 20 per cent level that is close to weapons-grade – and turn its existing stockpile of this material into harmless oxide..........

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