Friday, November 15, 2013

How's the civil war progressing in Libya? Superbly! Thank You for asking.

Can you hear the loud peals of laughter from Gadhafi's grave? Remember what Gadhafi said with his dying breath to the terrorists sodomizing and killing him?  He said: "you don't know what you are doing."   Haunting words indeed.   Moreover, NATO knew even less than Gadhafi's killers. 

At least 13 people have been killed and 150 wounded    after militiamen fired on a demonstration demanding their eviction from Libya's capital Tripoli, according to state media.
Hundreds of people carrying white flags in a sign of peace, as well as the national flag, and singing the national anthem had assembled in the capital's Meliana Square.
They then marched to the Misratah militia headquarters in the Gharghour district when gunmen inside fired into the air to scare them off.
But when the crowd continued to move towards the building, the gunmen started firing at them, according to witnesses.
Footage aired on the privately owned al-Nabaa television network showed protesters running from gunfire while carrying others covered in blood.
A Reuters reporter said they saw an anti-aircraft cannon firing from the militia compound into the crowd.
The protesters fled at first but came back heavily armed to storm the gated buildings, where militiamen when were holed up until nightfall.......

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