Friday, November 8, 2013

God has a weak spot and He is a sore loser too, says Pope Francis

"God's weak spot is his love for those who are lost" says the conniving, crafty, pacifist pope.   

In other words this guy wants us to love murderers,  headchoppers, rapists, pedophiles and every kind of vermin because in his opinion, they are just "lost."  

And, I woke up today promising not to lose my cool!

But, truth be told, I think  this man has had some training in PR tactics.  His sermons and speeches are working, if reports are to be believed.  Many new converts worldwide and an increasing number added each day to his fan base.  So ... although the stuff he says is stupid,  the stupid are lapping it up and joining the peaceful fold of Christianity.   All's good.

Carol Glatz writing at CatholicNews:
God has a certain weak spot of love  for those who are lost or have strayed furthest from him; they are the ones he goes out to find, Pope Francis said.

It's because God is a sore loser, he added, saying God doesn't like losing his children.

"He searches for all those who have strayed from him. Like a shepherd, he goes looking for the lost sheep," the pope said at his early morning Mass in the Domus Sanctae Marthae Nov. 7.
In his homily, the pope looked at the parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep in the Gospel of St. Luke, where Jesus is responding to the Pharisees and scribes who were scandalized and complained that Jesus welcomed and dined with sinners.
Their grumbling "is the music of hypocrisy," the pope said, according to Vatican Radio.

The people who complained about Jesus "believed that to be religious, to be good," meant having everything go well in life, to be well-mannered "and many times to pretend to be well-behaved, right?" he said.
"This is the hypocrisy of grumbling" and complaining about others, the pope said.

God, however, is joyful, he said.
"He is a God who doesn't like to lose anything, he is not a good loser and for this reason, so as to not lose someone, he goes beyond himself, he goes and searches."
God's task is "to go looking" and "to invite everyone, the good and bad, to the celebration."
God "has a certain weakness of love for those who have strayed the furthest, who are lost," Pope Francis said. "He goes and looks for them" everywhere, like the woman who lost a coin and searches carefully until she finds it.
And like the woman and the shepherd, God rejoices after finding what was lost, the pope said......

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