Friday, November 29, 2013

Daily dose of mega-ugliness from Saudi Arabia

Can you believe that there are many Americans crying over the fact that Obama wants to distance himself from this country?  Unbelievabe!!  With allies like Saudi Arabia who needs enemies?  Even when Obama does something good, it's bad? Come on!!  Be real!!  Criticism for criticism sake is bad for the soul.

From TelegraphUK:
Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti: ban on women drivers 'protects society from evil'.
Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti made comments after reports that the country planned to loosen the ban on women drivers.
The grand mufti of Saudi Arabia said a ban on women driving in the conservative Gulf state protects society from "evil", in remarks published in the press on Thursday.
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah al-Sheikh, in a speech delivered Wednesday in the western city of Medina, said the issue of giving women the right to drive should not be "one of society's major concerns".
The kingdom's most senior cleric called for "the matter to be considered from the perspective of protecting society from evil" which, according to him, included letting women drive......

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