Thursday, November 28, 2013

China flexes muscle in their newly declared air defense zone

As if the going-ons in the Middle East were not enough to keep everybody on their toes,  now we have to dance from one end of the world to the other... Asia ... to see the warlike developments between China and her neighbours...and of course America.  America is like the salt in any and every savory dish at the war table. Everything is insipid and tasteless without that essential condiment.

From BBC:
China has sent warplanes to its newly   declared air defence zone in the East China Sea, state media reports.
The vast zone, announced last week, covers territory claimed by China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.
China has said all planes transiting the zone must file flight plans and identify themselves, or face "defensive emergency measures".
But Japan, South Korea and the US have all since flown military aircraft through the area......

From BBC:
Japan and South Korea defy China air zone rules. Japan and South Korea have both flown planes unannounced through China's newly-declared air defence zone, officials from both nations say.
Japanese aircraft had conducted routine "surveillance activity" over the East China Sea zone, the top government spokesman said......

From USAToday:
....Without prior notice, Beijing began demanding  Saturday that passing aircraft identify themselves and accept Chinese instructions or face consequences in an East China Sea zone that overlaps a similar air defense identification zone overseen by Japan since 1969 and initially part of one set up by the U.S. military.
But when tested just days later by U.S. B-52 flights — with Washington saying it made no effort to comply with China's rules, and would not do so in the future — Beijing merely noted, belatedly, that it had seen the flights and taken no further action.
South Korea's military said Thursday its planes flew through the zone this week without informing China and with no apparent interference. Japan also said its planes have continuing to fly through it after the Chinese announcement, while the Philippines, locked in an increasingly bitter dispute with Beijing over South China Sea islands, said it also was rejecting China's declaration..........

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