Tuesday, November 5, 2013

An American and a Briton tried in absentia by Bangladesh and sentenced to death by hanging

Bangladesh has shown the dhimmi Western nations how they would have dealt with these two killers if they had not escaped to the USA and UK.  In the USA, the murderer Khan is a leader in similar groups that are banned in Bangladesh.

From InvestigativeProject:
....ICNA Leader Convicted in 1971 Bangladesh Massacres.  A war crimes tribunal in Bangladesh convicted Ashrafuzzaman Khan and a second man Sunday on 11 charges related to the kidnapping and murder of 18 intellectuals at the end of the country's 1971 war of independence.
Khan is a past secretary general of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and a leader of the group's New York chapter. His name was removed from the ICNA-New York web page last month but he remains listed as the northeastern contact for the North American Imam's Federation.
The special Bangladesh court issued a death sentence by hanging for Khan and co-defendant Chowdhury Mueen Uddin, who lives in the United Kingdom. Both men were tried in absentia, represented by court-appointed counsel

"Justice will not be done if they are not awarded capital punishment," senior judge Obaidul Hassan said in court.
A parade of witnesses testified that Khan and Chowdhury led a band of gunmen who kidnapped doctors, professors and journalists in the waning days of Bangladesh's war to gain independence from Pakistan. The victims later were found in mass graves........

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