Friday, October 11, 2013

Will Obama, Cameron and Hollande be dragged to The Hague for war crimes in Syria committed at their behest?

Warning:  very graphic video

Or is the world going to turn a blind eye just because they are the leaders of the  bully countries?  The massacre of civilians execution style and  the large scale kidnapping (people still held hostage) of the Alewite community in the Latakia area of Syria is nothing short of ethnic cleansing.  The Judas countries of the West are responsible for these horrible crimes, including Canadian PM Stephen Harper.  Every country that is involved in either funding, arming or giving any other kind of support to the "opposition" in Syria are responsible for the deaths of  Syrian civilians.

Notice how the Human Rights Watch, another biased organization,  did not come out with its report of this atrocity until now more than 2 months later.  Only the pro-regime side were screaming about what happened in the Alawite villages of Latakia but the  world had ignored them.  

Why the sudden turnaround now HRW???  

I am stunned to see that the BBC has changed a lot of the wording at the same link I had saved in the wee hours of last night. What you read below is what I had read, copied and pasted for input to my blog later on.  Then when I accessed the link just now to read more,  lo and behold,  a lot of it has been changed. I have not bothered to go line by line to see what could have got someone's panties in a twist to demand that BBC change the first output.

From BBC (as seen at  between 1 - 2 AM Oct 11)
... Syrian rebel forces killed as many as 190 civilians and seized more than 200 hostages during a military offensive in August, Human Rights Watch says.

In a report, HRW says the deaths occurred in pro-government Alawite villages in rural Latakia governorate.

It said the findings "strongly suggest" crimes against humanity were committed.
Rebels and government forces have both been accused of abuses since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began more than two years ago.
Syrian opposition forces comprise many groups, some of which are allied to al-Qaeda.

HRW says it conducted an on-site investigation and interviewed more than 35 people, including survivors and fighters from both sides of the offensive.

In its 105-page report, it says that in the early hours of 4 August opposition fighters overran government positions in the Latakia countryside of northern Syria and occupied more than 10 Alawite villages.
This operation was a co-ordinated, planned attack on the civilian population in these Alawite villages”

Joe Stork
Human Rights Watch
The New York-based rights group says it appears the civilians were killed on the first day of the operation.

Women and children
"Witnesses described how opposition forces executed residents and opened fire on civilians, sometimes killing or attempting to kill entire families who were either in their homes unarmed or fleeing from the attack," the report said.

HRW says about 20 opposition groups took part in the offensive and that five were involved in the attacks on civilians. Those five do not include the main rebel forces, the Free Syrian Army.

The report says two groups which were involved in the attack - the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham and Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar - are still holding the hostages, most of them women and children.

The government launched a counter-attack the next day and regained control of the area on 18 August.

Joe Stork, acting Middle East director at HRW, said the abuses were "not the actions of rogue fighters".

"This operation was a co-ordinated, planned attack on the civilian population in these Alawite villages," he said.

HRW says evidence including witness statements ..........

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