Friday, October 25, 2013

Why the Saudis and their Anglo flunkies have got their panties in a twist

All the warmongers are mad as hell these days. Sulking, sulking and  pouting big time because Syria was not completely destroyed by the Judas nations of the West  ... even after the false flag chemical attack someone took a lot of pain planning and executing.  Tsk, tsk !! 

But wait ... all is not lost.

Saudi Arabia is now backing Al Qaeda Iraq to the hilt.  The new order from the Saudis, for state of the art weaponry, costing close to $7 Billion will be approved by the heavily bribed and compromised US Senate in about a month or so, that plus whatever else the Saudis are buying from here, there, everywhere   will go to further arm the Al Qaida-Iraq terrorists to do their worst in Syria.  And, guess what?  While the Saudis are spending billions on buying anything and everything that they can get hold of, America sends $ 4  Billion worth of armory to the Iraqi military to fight the Al Qaeda-Iraq renewed insurgency which is being backed by Saudi Arabia.  You don't have to be a genius to see that whatever is being done is done to line the pockets of the stinking rich in the Judas countries while at the same time Saudi Arabia has a burning desire to not only remain the lord and master of the Middle East and the Muslim world, but to destroy the Shiites once and for all  ..... nothing else, nothing but.

What a wonderful, wonderful world of priceless deception!!!

Obama is one smart cookie for trying to disentangle from the Saudi grip.  I hope he succeeds.  They are nothing but evil incarnate.

Jeffrey Steinberg writing at ExecutiveIntelligenceReview:
Anglo-Saudi Hysteria Mounts.  
Over Syria, Iran Diplomacy.   After spending months lobbying United Nations member-states, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last week rejected a coveted seat on the Security Council in protest over the failure of the world body to overthrow the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad and its support for the ongoing P5+1 negotiations with Iran. Last month, after President Obama expressed openness to negotiating a deal with newly elected President Hassan Rouhani in Iran, the Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Saud bin-Faisal, cancelled his own scheduled speech before the General Assembly, an unprecedented action.

The primary target of Saudi rage, however, is the United States. In the eyes of the Saudi royal family, Washington has committed a series of betrayals, starting with the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in January 2011. The Saudi royals had been assured in September by the Obama Administration that the President was going to order military strikes against Syria, in retaliation for the alleged Syrian Army chemical weapons attack on the Damascus suburb of Goutha on Aug. 21. Never mind that the President cancelled those orders under immense pressure from his own Pentagon, and opposition from an overwhelming majority of the American people, who want nothing to do with another war in the Muslim world, after a decade of conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The single biggest betrayal of the so-called strategic partnership between Washington and Riyadh is the recently restarted P5+1 negotiations with Iran. For the Saudi leadership, Shi'ite Iran is the number one enemy and rival for dominance over the Islamic world and the Persian Gulf. With the backing of King Abdullah, Prince Bandar bin-Sultan, the head of the Saudi intelligence service and the director of the National Security Council, has been waging an overt terror war against Iranian allies throughout the region, from Syria to Lebanon to Iraq.

Over the past month, Bandar's role in financing the al-Qaeda-linked Sunni insurgent groups al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, has been widely exposed, including in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Los Angeles Times. It is no secret that the hard-core jihadist groups fighting a two-front war inside Syria—against the Assad government and against more secular rebel factions such as the Free Syrian Army—are being armed and bankrolled from the Persian Gulf through covert channels run by Bandar.

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session last month in New York City, Jeffrey Feltman, UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, excoriated the Saudi Kingdom for sabotaging U.S. policy in the Middle East. In a private discussion with Lebanese and Palestinian delegates, he reportedly fulminated for 20 minutes against the Saudi sabotage of any new government in Lebanon that would include Hezbollah, and Saudi asymmetric warfare inside Iraq aimed at breaking up the country. In the eyes of Bandar and other leading Saudi officials, the 2003 U.S. intervention in Iraq led to the creation of a Shi'ite government that Riyadh views as a puppet of Iran.

According to a senior U.S. intelligence official, it is well-known that Bandar is directly financing al-Qaeda networks inside Iraq that have waged a terror war for months, using suicide bombs and truck bombs to kill more Iraqi civilians than at any time in years. The Saudi objective is to break up Iraq into three parts—a Shi'ite South, a Sunni North, and a Kurdish region in the north along the Turkish border. Over the Summer, the U.S. announced $4 billion in arms sales to the Iraqi military, including counterinsurgency weapons systems to fight the Saudi-backed Sunni insurgency.

At the same time that the rift between sections of leading Washington institutions and Riyadh has reached unprecedented levels—going beyond the break that followed the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks—the same U.S. forces are working closely with Russia and others on.........


  1. Obama's strategy on SA is good. He wants US off SA oil and SA influence. I dont think the 1% will let him.

    1. Yes. The multi-billionaires fat on oil and armament manufacturing will never let him wean America from those teats. Money is their god.


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