Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Why is the world's bully reluctant to bully Bahrain?

It's because Bahrain is not only an ally of America and the West,  it also happens to be Saudi Arabia's "province of convenience."  And, have you ever known the USA to lift even a pinkie against Saudi Arabia?

The hypocrisy of the Sunnis is chilling.  When it comes to Syria  they think that as Syria has a majority Sunni population, it should have a Sunni govt, hence the terrorist army's quest to topple Assad .... whereas; although Bahrain has a majority of Shiites,  they have no place in  the corridors of  power ruling that country.

Sarah Margon and Mary Laurie writing at ForeignPolicy:
....For two years, as the United States has condemned massive abuses of protesters throughout the Middle East, it has largely turned a blind eye to equally horrific treatment in Bahrain, a small but significant ally. As the situation in Manama shows no sign of abating, the United States needs to step up its game -- before it's too late. 

Last week, a Bahraini court sentenced 50 Shiites, including the human rights activist Naji Fateel, to harsh prison terms of up to 15 years after a mass trial allegedly linking the activists to the "February 14" movement, which it claims is working to overthrow the government. February 14 is the date in 2011 when the recent protest movement began. The leaders of those largely peaceful
protests remain in prison and have been joined over the past two years by other activists convicted solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly.

A week before the sentencing, U.S. President Barack Obama made an unexpected reference to Bahrain, alongside Iraq and Syria, as a country fraught with sectarian tensions that challenge democracy and regional stability in his September 24 address to the U.N. General Assembly. This reference prompted the Bahraini foreign affairs minister to issue a statement extolling the country's culture as tolerant. Bahrain's U.S. ambassador also responded, contending the speech did not properly portray Bahrain's progressive and open-minded society. 

The presidential mention ruffled feathers in Manama -- a sure sign of U.S. diplomatic leverage there -- but it was not enough to stop last week's sentencing.  

The majority of Bahrainis are Shiites, but the country is governed by a Sunni-dominated, autocratic monarchy that has shown reluctance to reform, despite a number of cosmetic initiatives. Historically, civic groups have played an important role in shaping the country's political debate but the government has consistently undermined these groups with restrictive legislation. Security forces have increasingly employed brute force, particularly in response to peaceful protests. Detained civilians are prosecuted in farcical trials, with many documented cases of torture to elicit confessions.  

To be sure, the Obama administration hasn't been silent about Bahrain's escalating political crisis, but it hasn't taken a strong or consistent stance either. This is primarily because Bahrain is a strategic ally and home to the U.S. Navy's 5th fleet. Located in the oil-rich Gulf, with Iran to the north, Bahrain is linked to Saudi Arabia by a 16-mile causeway. The Obama .....

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