Thursday, October 10, 2013

Why do Muslims take to terrorism like fish to water?

Because they feel totally inadequate compared to infidels. Uneducated, superstitious in the extreme, uncontrollable rages, domineering personalities but at the same time with a deep suspicion that they are not the "supreme" race as their imams and their book of lies tell them, they want to lash out at those they know are far, far, far, far above them in intelligence and everything else.  The inter-marriages don't help either. Insanity of one kind or another runs in almost all Muslim families.  Moreover, the birth defects in babies born to Muslims far eclipses birth defects found in babies born to any other ethnicity.  In Iraq and Afghanistan,  it's more than possible that the increase of babies born with such defects are due to depleted uranium ... courtesy the West's bombing of those nations ... but the fact remains that these countries have always had these kind of births in plenty.  

If only the book of lies would be banned in the West and  if only the Muslim kids in the West didn't have recourse to their own mad-making Islamic schools,  the Muslims here would become peaceful. I can hope, can't I?  It's in the hands of our politicians to do the right thing, but will they?

Below is an  analysis of the terrorist mind as seen by Anat Berko of the Investigative Project.

... For 20 years I studied and interviewed Islamist mujahedeen (jihad fighters) imprisoned in Israeli jails, examining their inner worlds and discovering the obsessive thoughts leading them to carry out terrorist attacks. They were addicted to fantasizing about an alternative reality, describing their compulsions in metaphors similar to those used by obsessive gamblers and drug addicts. They likened them to "worms" (duda in Arabic) burrowing into their brains and driving them to seek not another game of cards or a fix, but dead Israelis, Americans, Europeans, or anyone else they considered infidels. They did not try to resist their compulsions or consider that their actions might be wrong, because they felt completely controlled and manipulated by the concept of jihad, which dictated their behavior in every sphere of life.

The findings of my research indicated that the jihadists' obsessions created what are known as "overvalued ideas," that is, false or exaggerated beliefs sustained beyond reason or logic. One often repeated, was the vision of what awaited the shaheed (a martyr for the sake of Allah) in the Islamic paradise after death. The sensations of the release of tension and relaxation come only after the terrorist act, when the perpetrator looks at the people he murdered. Even suicide bombers whose explosive belts failed to detonate or who were arrested before they could carry out their missions described a transcendent sensation, a smile as they approached their targets.

They described the mujahed's [the jihad fighter's] search for meaning in his life, how he turns his back on civilization and everything it represents. Many of them felt rejected by their immediate surroundings, either because of feelings of inferiority, marginality or guilt for things they had done (or not done) that brought dishonor to their families, or simply because they could not integrate into society as productive, contributing citizens. Those who had been exposed to Western society had strong feelings of inferiority, jealousy and rejection, especially because of differences in life styles, sex roles, confidence and other personal attributes. Some of them noted unbridgeable gaps between culture and science. One dispatcher of suicide bombers spoke of the great differences in capabilities, culture and economic condition between Christian and Muslim Arabs. For the mujahedeen, people are either good or bad, and that conceptual polarity directs their course...........

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