Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tyranny from Canadian police in New Brunswick

Can you believe this?  Is this happening in Canada?  
And, we have the gall to criticize Russia and other countries whom we consider to be abusing "democracy" or for lack of it?  
The speck in our own eyes is ignored while we see the shortcomings of other nations?
Where's the freedom of the press in Canada if police are preventing reporters from filming protests?

From SunNews:
....Fredericton Police ordered a Sun News Network reporter  to move his camera after his attempt to videotape a Native protest was blocked.

Crowds gathered in a Fredericton park Saturday to erect the traditional Native longhouse to protest exploratory shale fracking in Rexton, N.B.
Sgt. Mike Hudson told Sun News reporter Josh Skurnik to move after the protesters blocked his camera, despite Skurnik being on public property and behaving professionally.

A YouTube video shot by the protesters shows a group denouncing Sun News as "racist," and bunching together to block the camera.
Global News was allowed to freely videotape the longhouse raising.
"There is an issue with one person, and that one person is here," said Hudson. "We have a peaceful protest here, and I don't want any issue whatsoever. You can have any picture ... if you move back 15 or 20 feet and give them some room."
Later, a protester says: "We're staying on our side, while blocking the Sun News camera. Hudson responds: "Well, it's all your side."
This is the third time in a week New Brunswick Native protesters and their supporters have prevented Sun News reporters from doing their jobs.........

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