Sunday, October 6, 2013

Turkey starts short trek back to cavemen days

Erdogan is making sure that he will be known as the first caliph of this century.  He's giving the Muslim Brotherhood full rein over all mosques, etc.etc.etc.  Erdogan, along with the Muslim Brotherhood, are desperate to show the world that  they  are able to govern in a pure islamic state.  What failed in Egypt, they are determined to prove won't be the case in Turkey.  Revolution coming up soon.

Amir Taheri writing at NYPost:
....Erdogan taking Turkey back 1,000 years with ‘reforms’   Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyib Erdogan this week unveiled his long-promised “reform package” to “chart the path of the nation” for the next 10 years — that is, through 2023, 100 years after the founding of Turkey as a republic.
Which is ironic, since Erdogan seems bent on abolishing that republic in all but name.
His plan to amend the Constitution to replace the long-tested parliamentary system with a presidential one (with himself as president and commander-in-chief) is only part of it. He’d also undo the key achievement of Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey......

.......Meanwhile, Erdogan is offering little to minorities that have managed to retain their identity over the past nine decades. Chief among these are the Kurds, 15 percent of the population........

.......Another real minority that gets little are the Alevites, who practice a moderate version of Islam and have acted as a chief support for secularism in Turkey. While Erdogan uses the resources of the state to support Sunni Islam, Alevites can’t even get building permits to construct their own places of prayer.

Armenians, too, get nothing — not even a promise of an impartial inquest into allegations of genocide against them in 1915.

The second leg of Erdogan’s strategy is to re-energize his Islamist base. Hundreds of associations controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood are to take over state-owned mosques, religious sites and endowment properties — thus offering AKP a vast power base across Turkey.

Indirectly, Erdogan is telling Turks to stop seeing themselves as citizens of a secular state and, instead, as minorities living in a state dominated by the Sunni Muslim majority. Call it neo-Ottomanism.....

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