Monday, October 7, 2013

Toilets for Turkey

Britainistan, the first Caliphated country of the EU, showers non-Muslim taxpayers' money, without their consent,  on other caliphates-in-the-making. This is our new wonderful world of enforced islam on us infidels.

From DailyMailUK:
Millions of pounds of British aid is being used to upgrade
Turkey’s sewage system, MPs have been told.
Tory MPs reacted with anger last night as details emerged of a little-known Brussels scheme to channel hundreds of millions of pounds a year of aid into countries such as Turkey that are seeking to join the European Union.
MPs on the Commons international development committee were told that £570 million of EU aid money in Turkey last year, mostly on improving the sewage system to meet EU standards. In contrast, achieving EU sewage standards has required huge investment in Britain in recent decades, but this has been funded by increases in water bills...........

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