Monday, October 7, 2013

The fruits of America's folly seen in the setback the SEALs suffered in Somalia

What a come down for the SEALs!  The fiasco of the Somalia raid will give a boost to not only the al Shabaab terrorists in Somalia, but also to other jihadis around the world.  There will be never-ending boasts heard from loud-mouth extremists including their imams... we will never hear the last of how the allahu akbar fighters sent the SEALs packing from Somalia without accomplishing  their mission.  

Why did the raid fail?   There's only one possible reason.   That reason being ... the Somali terrorists have had the same kind of training that the SEALs have.  How could that be?  By way of  Americans trainers, of course.  You don't have to look too far to know that to be the truth.  Americans have been  training hard core jihadis in Jordan and Turkey and sending them to Syria with intent to topple Assad.  We can take it for granted that US trainers have been training Muslim extremists to commit acts of terrorism in Muslim countries ... although we don't know the exact details, details like from how many decades back or in which specific countries.  

The Muslim fighters trained by Americans on behest of the US govt. must be, in turn, training their fellow jihadis. How wonderful isn't it lovely to not only have  infidel haters among us but have infidel haters who are well-versed in the art of murder and death....all thanks to the mighty USA.

What was it that the preacher friend of Obama's had said that people on the Right were pretending to be shocked about?  "Chickens are coming home to roost."  .... that's what he had said, or something like that. So true!!

Mike Pflanz writing at CSMonitor:
...Failed Navy SEALs raid on Somali target could bolster Al Shabab.  A commando unit from the US Navy’s Seal Team Six launched an amphibious raid on a Somali town, but failed to confirm a capture or kill of their Al Shabab target, suspected to be linked to Nairobi’s Westgate mall terror attack. 
The operation could have opposite its intended result of discouraging further attacks. Analysts warn that even earlier successful targeted strikes against Al Shabab, a Somalia-based Islamist militant group, failed to curb the group's capacity to carry out international terror attacks, and that failed missions could in fact bolster its support and recruitment.
The predawn raid Saturday came unstuck when the US troops were faced with heavier-than-expected return fire, and pulled out to avoid civilian casualties, two security sources said. No Americans were injured. ........

From TheNationalUAE:
.... In a stealthy seaside assault  in Somalia and in a raid in Libya’s capital, US special forces yesterday struck out against Islamic extremists who have carried out terrorist attacks in East Africa, snatching a Libyan Al Qaeda leader allegedly involved in the bombings of US embassies 15 years ago but aborting a mission to capture a terrorist suspect linked to last month’s Nairobi shopping mall attack after a fierce firefight.
...........SEAL Team Six members encountered fiercer resistance than expected so after a 15-20 minute firefight, the unit leader decided to abort the mission and they swam away, the official said. SEAL Team Six has responsibility for counterterrorism activities in the Horn of Africa...........

From TelegraphUK:
....But two senior foreign fighters   - a Swedish Somali and a Sudanese national — were reportedly killed and a third man, also from Sudan, was injured, sources in Somalia said.
It was unclear on Sunday whether one of the dead may have been the intended target, as US officials said the team had been forced to withdraw before confirming the militant’s fate.........

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