Saturday, October 5, 2013

The conniving stuff from deceptive Muslim Canadians

How do you like it!  A mosque in Toronto has the chutzpah to apply for and receive city funding for street art and what do they paint?  A mural of a jihadi battle cry!  And who spotted the mischief?  Muslims Canadians.   If I was the mayor of Toronto, I would shut down the culprit mosque before you could say "alluhu akbar"  and bring in CSIS and the RCMP to investigate every single person involved in planning and execution of this affront.  Right there in the middle of that nest one is likely to find many poisonous reptiles.

Tarek Fatah writing at TorontoSun:
...Jihadi battle cry on Toronto mural. In the ongoing argument in Quebec about the proposal by the Parti Quebecois to outlaw all displays of religious symbols by public servants, there is general consensus the real issue is not the cross or the kippa, but the hijab and niqab.
Lost in the din of the debate were the words of a Muslim school teacher from Montreal who joined “Rassemblement pour la laicite,” a pro-secularism group that backs the PQ plan.
Leila Bensalem, born in Algeria, while lauding the PQ initiative, expressed concern over the list of demands for religious accommodation at her school that keeps on growing, from halal food to separate gym classes for boys and girls.
Bensalem’s words echoed those of former Supreme Court of Canada judge Claire L’Heureux-Dube, who observed in a radio interview that in her travels abroad, “there are more uncovered faces in Pakistan and Morocco than there are here” in Quebec.
What Bensalem and L’Heureux-Dube have observed is part of a larger movement among Islamists in the West to vigorously assert their presence as well as their separateness from non-Muslims, whom they consider the adversary, if not the divinely designated enemy.
If the hijab and niqab upsets them, imagine how Bensalem and L’Heureux-Dube would react if they saw what one Toronto-area mosque has adorned on its wall, in a huge, two-storey mural.
It’s part of a Quranic verse that has over centuries been a battle cry of jihadis and the armies of the Islamic world.
The mural, at the west end of Toronto’s Little India on Gerrard Street, has verse 13 of the Qur’an’s chapter 61 “Al-Saff” (The Battle Array) painted in tasteful Arabic calligraphy.
It reads: “Help from Allah (is near) and a speedy victory (is assured).”
The words are innocuous and otherwise poetic.
Islamists will insist they are harmless, but it would be a falsehood to suggest the verse is not associated with doing battle with the infidel enemy. After all, these same words were once..............

The Secretary General of the Muslim Canadian Congress has started a petition addressed to Mayor Rob Ford:.

...The City of Toronto has commissioned  a StreetArt program to bring art to cover up graffiti from buildings on the city's major streets.
Taking advantage of this program, a Mosque has managed to obtain city funding to paint a jihadi battle cry as a mural on its wall. This jihadi battle cry has been taken from the Quran and used by Islamic Terrorists like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda as well as the Pakistan Military in its war propaganda against India.
The inscription on the mural tells Muslims to have faith in Allah who will give them 'imminent victory' in their endevour against the enemy (non-Muslims).
As Muslims we would not like to see our holy book, The Quran to be used to sow division amongst the citizens of this great city of Toronto.
We urge Mayor Rob Ford and City Councillor Paula Fletcher to immediately act and cover up this provocative mural in 'Little India' that is home to many Hindu and Sikh Canadians who are being primarily targetted by this signage.
Salim Ahmad
Secretary General
Muslim Canadian Congress

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