Monday, October 14, 2013

Thanks to the Judas countries of the West ... Al Qaeda takes complete control of Maaloula (Malula)

Aren't you happy that your tax dollars were spent by your leaders in Canada, USA, UK, France, Germany and all other supposedly "Christian" nations to empower the terrorists to capture Maaloula.  Another Christian heritage site in the Middle East goes to the dogs.

Sad, very sad.  As Christians, come the next election, we should not be voting for Stephen Harper again.  I know I won't.  Neither will the Conservative party ever again get a donation from me and never again will I give 100+ hours of my time in volunteering for the Conservative cause.  Stephen Harper and his cons. can all go to hell and remain there.  Their support for the "opposition" in Syria has shown  us their true colors.  

From CNN Arabic  (Google translation)
.... Syrian opposition: "Maloula" in the hands of fighters "victory" the hardline militia loyal to al-Qaeda town "Maloula" Christianity, north of Damascus.
Fears of the transfer of the victory battle front of the bay
He said, "the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" that fighters "victory Front" fully instituted their control over the town.


  1. Well Harper is the lesser of the evils. Yes, he is a disappointment but you sure as hell won't be voting for Justin or the NDP.
    So that means you won't be voting at all.

    1. I will definitely vote ... that's a given. People give their lives in civil wars for that right. However, my vote will be a protest vote. I will vote for one of the independents.


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