Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sen. Rand Paul: "There is a world-wide war on Christianity but you won't hear about it on the evening news..."

Men like Sen. Rand Paul are very rare. Hopefully whatever he says in the vid below is not just rhetoric aimed at getting him intothe WH come next election.  We have seen how people change once they get what they want.

Christians get the short end of the stick in every war the USA has initiated in the Middle East.
It makes one wonder if the USA is actually looking to either exterminate Middle Eastern Christians or force them into exile from the countries of their ancestors.

Why is the USA so much against Christians?  That's a question that Christians all over the Middle East must be asking and becoming frustrated with themselves because they just can't figure out  how  a nation which is supposedly almost 80% Christian cozy up to Muslims and arm and fund them to do away with Christians and other non-Muslim minorities from their countries.

Christians in the Middle East have seen how George "islam is a religion of Peace" Bush invaded Iraq instead of the real culprit,  Saudi Arabia.  If the USA had invaded Saudi Arabia (all the 9/11 murderers were Saudi passport holders) the thousands of Iraqi Christians killed and countless more made homeless refugees in other lands,  would have been living peacefully in Iraq under the USA-declared "dictator" Saddam Hussein.  Maybe the USA knew that Saudi Arabia had no Christian citizens ... not a one ... so in order to quench their thirst for Christian blood they had to invade Iraq. 

Then the other action USA took on gleefully with full zest ... that of  arming and funding the "opposition"  to the Syrian regime.  In Syria too, there are plenty of Christians and heritage sites depicting the birth of Christianity.  Is that the reason why the Christian hating USA got drawn to involve itself in the Syrian conflict?  That's another something that the Christians of the Middle East and Christians all over the world outside the USA must be thinking these days.

How about in Egypt?  The USA did their level best (and probably still doing) to keep Morsi in power.  The USA knew very well what was happening to the Christians there and yet the powers-that-be backed him to the hilt.  

When events and actions have no logical answers .... we are forced to look elsewhere for them.  It's human nature to not let puzzles remain unsolved. 

From TheBlaze:
The “war on Christianity” is being ignored   by the mainstream media and the Obama administration, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) charged Friday, addressing the global attacks on Christians around the world.
“From Boston to Zanzibar, there’s a worldwide war on Christianity,” Paul said to applause Friday when speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.
“Christians are being attacked around the world, but you won’t hear much about it on the evening news because the answer’s not convenient,” Paul continued. “It doesn’t fit the narrative we have been told about radical Islam. The president tries to gloss over who’s attacking and killing Christians. The media describes the killings as sectarian. But the truth is, a worldwide war on Christians is being waged by a fanatical element of Islam.”

Paul, an expected contender for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination who has been a strong opponent of too much foreign intervention, also praised the Muslim world’s historic achievements and said it can again promote modernism by policing their radical elements.

“For centuries, the Middle East was home to cultural and intellectual centers of ancient world. Math and science flourished in the Middle Ages. Tolerance and sophistication were the norm at one time in the Middle East,” Paul said. “Islam carried the light of learning for centuries. They paved the way for our enlightenment. This history needs to be brought back to life again. Innovation in Muslim communities developed the magnetic compass, pens and printing.”

But he faulted U.S. policy – specifically aiding the Syrian rebels with links to Al Qaeda........

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