Friday, October 11, 2013

Qatar ... where the bribed FIFA members voted to hold the World Cup traps footballers from leaving country

Our brave new world of corrupt politicians and bribe taking officials in every nook and corner of the world and in every organization of the world.  
I am reposting the vid I had posted months ago as this disgusting treatment from the oil-rich sheikhdoms should be told again and again because people have short memories ... what with tracking Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus's moves, etc.... their brain cells don't have enough energy to look at anything else.

Maik Grossekathofer writing at Spiegel:
...Trapped in Qatar: Footballers Describe Nightmarish Treatment.  Qatar, the host of the 2022 soccer World Cup, is spending a lot of money to attract players and coaches. SPIEGEL spent time with a handful who have gone to the emirate and say they are aren't getting paid, but have been prevented from leaving the country.

Zahir Belounis is sitting on the sofa in his house in Qatar and wondering whether it might make sense to commit suicide.
"I often lie in bed at night and cry like a girl. When that happens, I think that suicide is my only option to put an end to things. I think to myself that there's no other way be free."
He smiles absent-mindedly. Belounis lives beyond the skyscrapers of Doha, near the Landmark Shopping Mall. It's 11 a.m. on a day in late September, and the temperature has already reached 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Belounis is a 33-year-old French professional football player, a striker. He has played in the third division in Switzerland.

Six years ago, he came to Qatar, a bleak peninsula on the Persian Gulf, the richest country in the world and the host of the 2022 football World Cup.
"At the time, I thought I had won the jackpot," he says. "Today I have nothing. My life is ruined."
He's holding his hands between his knees. His pupils dart around the room like searchlights. His sunken cheeks are unshaven -- he has the face of a desperate man. Letters, files and documents are spread out on the table in front of him.
Belounis shows us his contract with the Qatari army football club, which identifies him as a professional footballer with the rank of a Senior Civil Technician. It's a five-year contract that ends on June 15, 2015. He's entitled to a monthly salary of 24,400 riyal, or €4,950 ($6,692).

'Qatar Is My Prison'
There is no fine print on the four-page contract. There are no loopholes and there is no deceptive wording, and yet Belounis hasn't been paid in 27 months.
"I'm not a famous player, and I'm not rich. Friends send me money from France so that we can make ends meet. My savings will be gone.........

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