Thursday, October 24, 2013

On brainless bimbos converting to islam and the danger they pose

If someone is stupid enough to convert to a killer cult  then that someone is stupid enough to be brainwashed into  killing anybody, anywhere, anytime.

Abigail R. Esman writing at InvestigativeProject:
.....But the journey from hijabi to terrorist is another matter, more complex and less easily explained. Research I have reviewed shows that, in many cases, the women are pressured by their partners, as may have been the case initially with Samantha Lewthwaite (whose husband was also a convert). Muslim husbands and even the Muslim community at large may question their suitability and devotion: it is not unusual for a female convert to be told that she is "not a proper Muslim wife." Consequently, whether out of a need to please or to prove her mettle, for some women the response is simply to travel deeper into the orthodoxy. They may raise funds for jihad, or assist in recruiting male jihadists – or, as is the case with some of the female members of the Dutch radical Hofstadgroep network, join in the sitting-room gatherings of their radical husbands and lovers, absorbing the discussions – and the beliefs. Such activities can even influence women born into Islam; but for converts – especially those who either are eager to prove themselves, are too naïve and uninformed to know better, or both – they pose a particular danger.

It is, in fact, especially that lack of knowledge, according to many experts, that can lead down the path to radicalization, as much among women as men. Jolande Withuis, a Dutch researcher who has written prolifically on the subject, points out that for many of the radicalized women, the desire to know more about the Quran and its teaching leads them to the Internet, where they land in Salafist online communities eager to embrace them into their world. For a jihadist recruiter, after all, nothing provides a better foil than a Muslim woman who does not look as if she's Muslim – someone, say, like the blonde and blue-eyed Jihad Jane.

Those recruits are also among the most effective, according to French Islam expert Olivier Roy, who in 2006 told the Washington Post, "For al Qaeda, converts are not just tools to get past security. It's a way for them to become a global movement."

But if the growing number of radicalized female converts to Islam is disturbing, at least as troubling is the absence of any real effort to combat it, both from within the Muslim community and from without. This seems especially true in the United States, where it would appear that the threat is becoming particularly acute. Nicole Mansfield's father, in fact, claims he contacted the FBI about his daughter long before she left for Syria; and while they followed her for a time, nothing ever came of it. "She'd go make U-turns," Gregory Mansfield told the Detroit Free Press, "They'd make U-turns. She'd pull into a parking lot, they'd pull into a parking lot.".....

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