Thursday, October 10, 2013

Liberal Liars of Ontario cost us $1.1 Billion

Money that Ontarians would have liked to spend in building more schools or hospitals or several other facilities or inception of programs that would create jobs for  this Province.  Instead, here we are .... as stupid as ever.  Voting for thieves again and again ... and again and again they stab us.  Gluttons for punishment ... we Ontarians.

BrainFeed below has compiled a vid that tells us more on this latest Liberal boondoggle of complete corruption and disrespect to voters.

Antonella Artuso writing at TorontoSun:
....It’s $1 billion-plus boondoggle. Ontarians will pay as much as $812 million to cancel the Oakville gas plant, the lion’s share added to hydro bills over the next 20 years, auditor general Bonnie Lysyk concluded.
Lysyk’s report released Tuesday says the total bill for cancelling the plant could reach $1.1 billion, offset by future savings of $437 million, for a net cost to taxpayers and ratepayers of $675 million.
Auditors found that an additional $140 million could be blown on the extra cost of delivering gas to Napanee, where the Oakville plant was relocated.
The hefty price tag, on top of the $275 million lost through the relocation of the Mississauga gas plant, means Ontarians will spend an estimated $950 million to $1.1 billion to not build two electricity plants in the Greater Toronto Area.
“This is a lot of money,” Lysyk said simply.
And in a damning aside, the auditor noted that Ontarians didn’t have to pay this much for the provincial Liberal government’s decision.
“On cancelling the Oakville plant, the Premier’s Office assured TCE (TransCanada Energy) that it would be compensated for the full financial value of its contract for the Oakville plant instead of relying on (protections) in that contract that could have minimized the damages paid to the builder following cancellation,” the auditor’s report says.......

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