Sunday, October 13, 2013

James Woods uses Twitter as "weapon of Obama destruction"

Gonna watch all his movies again.  What a guy!!
Actor James Woods has taken to Twitter to express his frustration with President Barack Obama, the Affordable Care Act and the liberal "trolls" that he says are waging war on real Americans.

"This President is a true abomination," Woods wrote from his verified Twitter account (@RealJamesWoods), linking to an article about the National Parks Service allowing an immigration rally on the National Mall despite the partial government shutdown.

The U.S. government has been in partial shutdown for 10 days after the Republican-controlled House refused to pass legislation to fund government services unless the president's health care law, otherwise known as Obamacare, is delayed or defunded. Obama has refused to negotiate over his signature domestic legislation.

In a series of tweets published before and during the impasse, the 66-year-old actor, best known for his roles in "The Virgin Suicides," "Once Upon a Time in America" and "White House Down," railed against the Obama administration and, at one point, compared the president to Hitler and Stalin.

Examiner has more pics. and the first link above has a generous sample of his tweets.

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