Thursday, October 31, 2013

Israel steps up efforts to help terrorists in Syria

Having enemies around them is not enough for Israel.  They want to alienate many more around the world. Just because the leaders of the Judeo-Christian nations are with Israel in their efforts to destroy Syria does not mean that the citizens of those countries do too. 

The excuse given again by the Israelis is the oft repeated lie "weapons might go to Hezbollah"  .... yeah we are that gullible we will believe it.  With Syria's army needing all the weapons they can get,  they will suddenly decide to do without the best and instead send them to Hezbollah.  Right!  Sounds logical doesn't it?

From CNN:
....Israeli warplanes struck a military base near the Syrian port city of Latakia this week, an Obama administration official told CNN on Thursday.
An explosion at a missile storage site in the area was reported in the Middle Eastern press, but an attack has not been confirmed by the Israeli government.
The target, according to the Obama administration official, was missiles and related equipment the Israelis felt might be transferred to the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah. The official declined to be identified because of the sensitive nature of the information.
There was some confusion about the timing of the attack, with some reports saying it happened Wednesday, and others saying Thursday.
When asked for comment, an Israel Defense Forces spokeswoman told CNN: "We don't refer to foreign reports."
Israel has been accused several other times this year of launching airstrikes inside Syria, including once in January. In the January incident, a U.S. official said Israeli fighter jets bombed a Syrian convoy suspected of moving weapons to Hezbollah...........


  1. Rember you said it would be a good thing.

    1. Wrong. I didn't say that with regard to Syria. I said that for Iran. Syria was a secular country with a government that was the most tolerant of the Christian community than any other muslim nation. Christians were thriving in Syria and had the best jobs in Assad's govt.. They are doing this to Syria only because of Russia's influence there and in Armenia. Armenia is a Christian nation and as Syria falls into Islamic rule, Armenia will be next. Wait and see.


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