Thursday, October 31, 2013

In Canada, 17 "honor" crimes ("horror" would be the right word) recorded since 1991. How many not recorded?

That should be the question.  Dimwits in the Canadian police force, even today ....won't be able to tell you what's "honor killing" or what's "taqiyyah"  or what's "fatwa"  or what's "jihad" etc.   And, how many of the crime investigators knew about "honor killing" throughout the last two decades or so?   If you said "probably none"  .... you would be probably right.

I hate it when I see records like the one cited below which purports to give an accurate figure. Unfortunately,  the gullible use such figures to make statements like "crimes like these are non-existent and only bigots and racists blow them out of proportion."

Sue Montgomery and Philip Authier writing at MontrealGazette:
....Honour crimes have been committed  in Quebec in all communities and the government needs to act on the growing phenomenon, Quebec’s Conseil du statut de la femme said Wednesday as it released a report careful not to stigmatize any one group.......

.......More has to be done, the report says, to protect vulnerable women and girls subjected to genital mutilations, virginity testing, forced marriages and excessive control.

But of the 17 incidents identified as honour crimes in Canada since 1991 and examined in the report, all involved stabbing, strangulation, shooting and beating. They affected 26 victims, five of whom died, according to the 167-page report that makes seven recommendations to the government.

In its reaction to the report, the provincial government was quick to offer up its controversial charter of Quebec values — which would ban religious headgear on public servants — as a way of countering the problem.

“I wouldn’t make a direct link between the two, but the symbolism of the charter may help us preventing these kinds of crimes,” said Bernard Drainville, the Parti Québécois cabinet minister in charge of selling the proposed law. “The charter sends a very strong signal that equality between women and men is an important value, a non-negotiable value in Quebec society.”......

.........Miville-Dechêne said the council’s report was already late coming out and just happens to be released at the same time as the divisive debate about the charter zeros in on equality between men and women.

“We felt we had to publish this for the sake of the women we want to protect,” she said in an interview. “How many months could we sit on this?

“Being silent is not an option.”

Honour crimes existed in Quebec back in the days when unmarried, pregnant girls were sent into hiding until they gave birth, the council said. But more recently they are committed within communities with patriarchal cultures, such as India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka.

The crimes are different from conjugal violence in that entire communities or other members of the family can be complicit....

....In the case of the Shafia daughters, they had sought help from child services officials, and complained to teachers, classmates and extended family, but somehow fell through the cracks.....

1 comment:

  1. " it released a report careful not to stigmatize any one group."
    The wonders of PC. Can't call a spade a spade.


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