Monday, October 28, 2013

Field Marshall from WW2 sceptical of people who have not experienced horrors of war themselves

In other words, the politicians.

One of the Field Marshall involved in the defeat of the Nazi army is now 90 years old and has not gone senile like most of the law makers in his country who are half his age.

Con Coughlin writing at TelegraphUK:
....We’re fighting bean counters now, says man who helped beat Nazis
Man who helped to defeat the Nazis, and as the head of the Armed Forces planned the daring military campaign to liberate the Falkland Islands
But as Field Marshal the Lord Bramall approaches his 90th birthday, his main concern is that Britain’s military could be facing defeat at the hands of Ministry of Defence bean counters.
In the course of a long and distinguished career, during which “Dwin”, as he is known to his friends, has commanded at every level from leading a humble platoon ashore during the D-Day landings to an armoured division in Germany at the height of the Cold War, Lord Bramall is also well-versed in Whitehall warfare.....

........He is similarly scathing about the cost of replacing the Trident nuclear deterrent, which he argues is irrelevant to modern-day conflict.
“The proof in the pudding was the September 11 attacks. America, for all its omnipotence, was unable to prevent it and then was unable to use its nuclear arsenal to retaliate.
“I do not think we can afford to maintain a nuclear deterrent, and by doing so we are setting an extremely bad example at a time when we are trying to persuade other countries to give them up.”
But his primary concern is the fate of the Army, where he served with distinction for 42 years — rising from second lieutenant in the King’s Royal Rifle Corps to field marshal — and which is now being reduced to its smallest size since the Napoleonic wars.
But it is not the size of the Army alone that concerns him, rather the ability of the 30,000 planned reservists to fill the gap made by the 20,000 regulars who are being jettisoned as part of the budget cuts.........

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