Saturday, October 12, 2013

FEMEN very much into killing babies

Never liked the sex-crazed, mostly lesbo,  braindead females calling themselves  FEMEN. The "fake" emitted from them from day one. They are not a grassroots organization.  Someone with ulterior motives is funding this group and they have ambitions of becoming like the other terrorist group, Greenpeace.  If Greenpeace founders are now multi-millionaires by sucking money from all kind of industrial giants and countries around the world to protest at the sites of their rivals or competitors ... why not another group too ... that's what the people at the core of FEMEN must have thought when they started this "show boobs" venture.  Watch out for this group to become like the other big blackmailers in the guise of "working for social good" ... and remember that you heard it here first.

From EuroNews:
Topless feminist protest in Spain’s parliament over abortion reform. Feminist activists interrupted a Spanish parliamentary session in protest over planned changes to abortion law.
Three topless women from the organisation FEMEN managed to get in, shouting “Abortion is sacred” during a speech by Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon.
Spain’s ruling Popular Party has announced legislation that will eliminate abortion on demand until week 14 of pregnancy.
The change, which has sparked several protests, reverses earlier abortion reforms in Spain. Critics have said that it sets the country back more than 25 years on the issue.

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