Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fair and Square, that's Canada .... most of the time

I like it that Canada is defending what's right.  I put myself in the shoes of victims who have suffered because of Iran's atrocities and can feel their pain.  However,  the property of the Iranian embassy and its diplomats in Canada, by international law, belongs to Iran and Canada has no option but to protect those properties ... even if it is vomit inducing to do so.

This is one of those times that one can be proud of Canada and Canada's integrity.

Stewart Bell writing at NationalPost:
....Canadian government defends Iran’s ‘diplomatic assets’   against lawsuits by terror victims.
A year after suspending relations with Iran and designating the regime a state sponsor of terrorism, the Canadian government was in court on Thursday to defend Tehran’s diplomatic assets from lawsuits by terror victims.

The awkward scene unfolded in a Toronto courtroom where victims of Iranian-backed terrorist organizations are trying to collect damages from the Islamic republic under the newly enacted Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act.

While Iran has ignored the lawsuits, the Canadian government has stepped in to argue that the Iranian embassy, official residence, staff quarters and two bank accounts are “diplomatic assets” of Tehran and cannot be awarded to victims of terrorism.

“The concern of the Attorney-General of Canada is interference with diplomatic property,” Jacqueline Dais-Visca, a Department of Justice lawyer, told the court. “This is about Canada exercising its obligations under international law.”.......

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