Thursday, October 31, 2013

De-population in the works. Hard to believe isn't it?

Agenda 21  .... it's not a conspriracy.  It's an elaborate tool designed to control you even further. And, its about time you learnt more about it if you haven't already.

More here,  here    here, and lots more on the net.  

Before the activity by the NSA on the private lives of world leaders came to light ... would you have believed if somebody had told you that even world leaders' private lives are being monitored by the USA?  Don't be shocked or surprised by the satanic activists who want to de-populate the world of humans. Just as so much evil happen under the guise of "social justice"  so do many similar acts happen under the guise of "Agenda 21" or the myriad of other titles they have given the same old plan ... all of which are supposed to bring the world's population as one whole entity, and that is supposedly to be done because we are good people and want to look after those less unfortunate than us by us getting to the level of the less fortunate.  

Our schools are already following part of the plan. Nobody is at the top of the classroom just as nobody is at the bottom.  All get the same grades. A "pass" or a "fail".  It's communism molded to look like democracy. 

As far as I am concerned .... I am suspicious of anything and everything that says "green"  because that's a color that's numero uno in islam...... and many of the organizations connected to Agenda 21 are using "green" in their verbiage. 

Rosa Koire, an activist against Agenda 21 has written on the plan and she's titled the book "Behind the Green Mask". Worth listening to what she has to say.

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