Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Muslim Russia ?

It's more than possible.  And, so is a Muslim America, a Muslim Canada, a Muslim Australia, a Muslim EU and a Muslim Earth.   And, who are the forces that will make all this possible?  Our esteemed politicians, of course.  And, why do we deserve this fate on us?  Because, we have voted the fucks to the seats from which they stab us.

See that pic?  That's the congregation of the cult members for Eid headbanging on October 15 in Moscow. Beautiful, eh?!  Think you can escape that from happening in Canada or the USA at the rate of the present inflow of Muslim immigrants?  If you think "Yes, we can"  .... I have a bridge right here in my basement, it's made from pure gold and I'll sell it to you for just a penny.

But, let's continue hating Russia.  It's all to our benefit because our American overlords have programmed us to hate communism as "communism destroys religion."   And, being the good slaves that we are we know that there are only two religions in the world, Christianity and Judaism ... and  we don't want either destroyed, no sirreee, no!  We gotta hate Russia even though they are now helpless in the face of a cult we never thought would be a problem because we were too much on guard safeguarding Christianity and Judaism from the communists and not from the Muslims. 

Dr. Pipes at  WashingtonTimes and also at his blog  writes:
 The stabbing murder on Oct. 10  of an ethnic Russian, Yegor Shcherbakov, 25, apparently by a Muslim from Azerbaijan, led to anti-migrant disturbances in Moscow, vandalism and assaults, the arrest of 1,200, and brought a major tension in Russian life to the fore.

Not only do ethnic Muslims account for 21-23 million of Russia's total population of 144 million, or 15 percent, but their proportion is fast growing. Alcoholism-plagued ethnic Russians are said to have European birth rates and African death rates, with the former just 1.4 per woman and the latter 60 years for men. In Moscow, ethnic Christian women have 1.1 child.

In contrast, Muslim women bear 2.3 children on average and have fewer abortions than their Russian counterparts. In Moscow, Tatar women have 6 children and Chechen and Ingush women have 10. In addition, some 3-4 million Muslims have moved to Russia from ex-republics of the U.S.S.R., mainly from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan; and some ethnic Russians are converting to Islam.

These trends point to Christians declining in numbers by 0.6 percent a year and Muslims increasing by that same amount, which will have dramatic effects over time. Some analysts foresee Muslims becoming a majority in the twenty-first century – a demographic revolution that would fundamentally change the country's character. Paul Goble, an expert on Russian minorities, concludes that "Russia is going through a religious transformation that will be of even greater consequence for the international community than the collapse of the Soviet Union." A Russian commentator he quotes envisions a mosque on Red Square in Moscow. The facile assumption that Moscow is and will remain Western-oriented "is no longer valid," he argues. In particular, he predicts that the Muslim demographic surge "will have a profound impact on Russian foreign policy."

Within a few years, Muslims will make up half the conscripts in the Russian army. Joseph A. D'Agostino of the Population Research Institute asks: "Will such a military operate effectively given the fury that many domestic Muslims feel toward the Russian military's tactics in the Muslim region of Chechnya? What if other Muslim regions of Russia—some of which contain huge oil reserves—rebel against Moscow? Will Muslim soldiers fight and kill to keep them part of the Russian motherland?"..............

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