Friday, October 25, 2013

25 Questions .... all pushed under the rug by the incompetent MSM

Each and every time,  it's the internet that breaks its back bringing opinions and counter-opinions to the surface for ready consumption  for those who desire to be well informed.  Some of the questions asked have logical answers, like the very first one.  The time difference could have been a factor.  However, several will never be answered in their fullest truth.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey writing at GlobalResearch:
Syria: The UN Report on the Chemical Weapons Attack
Question 1: Why was the news of the chemical attack posted before the attack took place?

 Question 2: Were the weapons home-made or were they produced in a factory?

Question 3: If the Iranians told the USA in 2012 that terrorists operating in Syria had chemical weapons, why did US Secretary of State John Kerry say they did not and why would it be outside the realms of possibility for them to have deployed such weaponry in Ghouta?

Question 4: Why would the Syrian Armed Forces have deployed such weaponry in an area where their own forces were massing on the eve of a UN inspection?

Question 5: Why was the first video to be released (Amer Mosa), which claimed to be a recording of the attack, showing the terrorists operating in Syria firing rockets at Government positions?

Question 6: Why does the date of the said video antecede the attack and how can its title referring to chemical weapons be taken seriously if the video was released before the attack took place?

Question 7: Why does the launching gear for the rockets in the video resemble a BM-14, used by terrorists in Afghanistan?

Question 8: Why does the Obama regime in Washington not take seriously allegations that al-Qaeda in Syria could have produced or handled sarin gas when the US military knew that sarin gas was confiscated from the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra front earlier in 2013?

Question 9: Why has Washington turned a blind eye to the use of chemical weaponry, more specifically sarin gas, by the terrorists operating in Syria against Government troops and emergency service personnel in Khan al-Assal, Aleppo, in March?

Question 10: Given the extremely sparse population along border regions and porous nature of Syria’s frontiers, would it have been impossible for western-backed terrorists to have brought the weaponry to Syria through Turkey or would it have been impossible for Al-Qaeda in Iraq to have produced bench-scale sarin and brought it across the frontier?

 Question 11: Why does John Kerry deny that the terrorists operating in Syria have no chemical weaponry when in May 2013 the Turkish authorities seized chemical weaponry, namely sarin gas, from property being used by the terrorist organization Jabhat al-Nusra Front? And what are terrorist organizations doing operating in NATO territory? Do we then assume that NATO harbours terrorists?

 Question 12: Why did the west not make a thorough investigation at the time (May), as requested by the Russian authorities?

 Question 13: Why did the United Nations Organization fail to investigate the same incident when the Syrian authorities requested that it do so?

 Question 14: Why was the Russian report on the use of sarin gas by terrorists operating in Syria, and delivered to the UNO, not taken seriously at the time by Washington?.................

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