Friday, September 27, 2013

UK to give married couples tax breaks

Will Canada follow suit to somewhat curb the stinking "common law" partnerships?  Know what I like best about homosexuals? The marriage part.  They want to tie the knot to show their commitment to each other in spite of the law in most parts of the world  making it difficult for them to do so ... whereas the "common law" heterosexual  couples think it's perfectly okay to bring bastards upon bastards into this world without giving a damn.

From TelegraphUK:
Married couples to receive £1,000 tax break An estimated four million couples will benefit from a new marriage tax allowance of £1,000 to be unveiled by David Cameron on the eve of the Conservative party conference.
Last night the Prime Minister said the move will bolster marriage which he believes is an important institution at the heart of a strong society.
The new allowance – a Conservative manifesto pledge will be introduced in April 2015 - at the height of the next general election campaign.........

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