Saturday, September 14, 2013

Today's winner of the most outrageous propaganda is from the pro-Assad camp

Man-O-Man!  HAHAHHAHAHA!   Muslims and their bravado!
Only idiots like the writer below from Al Manar of Lebanon has the audacity to think that just because anti-war people are in their majority these days and  don't want the USA to drop bombs on Syria, that we will believe the crap from them about Russia and Assad put together are mightier than the USA or that  even Assad on his own can sink US tankers and submarines !!!  Idiots!!! 
Nobody ... and I mean, NOBODY on planet Earth can withstand the might of the USA's war machine.  You Syrian fanatics on the other side of the world  STFU and stop talking about what you can do to whom and what has been done to somebody or how and where it will be  done in future, yakety yak yak ....otherwise anything and everything  coming from the pro-Assad camp, even if it is the truth will be taken as only propaganda.  Remember the story of the "Boy who cried Wolf" ?   Remember how Saddam and his supporters were boasting just like the Assad supporters are now doing?  Remember what happened to Gaddafi?  So, kindly please chill with the outlandishly unbelievable and  stupid lies which are clearly seen as propaganda and nothing else.

From AlManar Lebanon;
A well informed diplomatic source told As-Safir newspaper that “the US war on Syria had started and ended the moment those two ballistic missiles were fired, leaving inconsistent information, as Israel denied and Russia confirmed, until an Israeli statement was issued indicating they were fired in the context of an Israeli-US joint drill and fell in the sea, and that they were not related to the Syrian crisis.”

The source further told the Lebanese daily that “the US forces fired these two rockets from a NATO base in Spain, and were instantly detected by the Russian radars and confronted by the Russian defense systems, so one of them exploded in the airspace and the second one diverted towards the sea.”

In this context, the source pointed out that “the statement issued by the Russian Defense Ministry, which stated the detection of two ballistic missiles fired towards the Middle East, intended to neglect two points: the first was the location from which the two rockets were fired, and the second was their downing. Why? Because the moment the full military operation was launched, Head of the Russian Intelligence Service contacted the US intelligence and informed it that “hitting Damascus means hitting Moscow, and we have removed the term “downed the two missiles” from the statement to preserve the bilateral relations and to avoid escalation. Therefore, you must immediately reconsider your policies, approaches and intentions on the Syrian crisis, as you must be certain that you cannot eliminate our presence in the Mediterranean.”

“This unannounced direct confrontation between Moscow and Washington increased the Obama Administration’s confusion and certainty that the Russian side was ready to move until the end with the Syrian cause, and that the US did not have a way out of its impasse except through a Russian initiative which would save America’s face…” he added.

From this point, the diplomatic source clarified that “in order to avoid further US confusion, and after Israel denied knowing anything about the rocket firing in its first statement, which is the truth, Washington demanded Tel Aviv to adopt the rocket firing to save its face in front of the International Community, especially since these two rockets were the beginning of the US aggression on Syria and the announcement of the beginning of military operations, after which US President Barack Obama was supposed to go to the G20 Summit in Russia to negotiate the destiny of Syrian President Bashr Al-Assad. However, he went to find a way out of the impasse he’s in.”...........

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