Saturday, September 7, 2013

Things hotting up in Egypt

Egypt is about to explode even without the Judeo-Christian countries missile bombing Syria's regime.  Try to imagine what's going to happen in that region after the very first missile hits Syria.  Not gonna be pretty ... that's for sure.  The people who will suffer the most will be Christians, Jews and Israelis.  To the uneducated Muslim masses, they are to be blamed for everything wrong in their lives. 

From AINA:
Islamists have taken over    a southern Egyptian city, vandalizing its Christian institutions and terrorizing its Coptic population.

Since Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi was overthrown on July 3, Islamists have ruled Dalga, a city of 120,000 people, 20,000 of whom are Christians. Immediately after Morsi was forced to step down, attackers plundered Christian institutions, stealing ancient churches icons and electrical equipment and burning the buildings after they had finished.

Father Yoannis Coptic Orthodox priest told the Associated Press that the Islamists' actions were meant to break the Christian population.

"They don't want to see any Christian with any power, no matter how modest," Yoannis said. "They only want to see us poor without money, a trade or a business to be proud of."

In addition to the loss of their churches, many Christians have also had their homes and small businesses attacked, set on fire and looted. One Christian who fired shots in the air from his roof meant to scare off gang members was reportedly dragged off and murdered.

In response, 40 families have fled the city since the violence started. Many of those who have remained have been forced to bribe Muslims to protect them from the violence. Coptic women, often the targets of Muslim verbal harassment, have stayed inside to avoid uncomfortable situations, though many men, fearing for their own safety, have joined them.

"The Copts in Dalga live in utter humiliation," local rights activist Ezzat Ibrahim told the Associated Press. "They live in horror and cannot lead normal lives."

Most Christians stores have closed and some churches have missed weeks of Sunday services. Those open have seen their attendance dramatically falter. In one church that normally averaged 500 people weekly, only 25 showed up recently for a weekly service.

Although the Egyptian army has nationally filled the power vacuum after Morsi was ousted, their influence is weak in the southern part of the country. Since the Islamists took over Dalga, the army has only attempted to confront Islamists twice. Both times they were turned away after their armored vehicles were showered with gunfire.

While Dalga represents the Islamists strongest and harshest rule, their influence in the southern part extends throughout the provinces of Assiut and Minya, where Dalga is located. These provinces are also home to Egypt's largest Christian population........

 Samer Al-Atrush of Agence-France Presse at YahooNews:
....Egypt army launches deadly  assault on Sinai militants.   At least 10 people were killed as Egypt's army launched an air and ground assault on Sinai militants Saturday while foiling a railway bombing near the canal city of Suez, officials said.
A prosecutor levelled new accusations meanwhile against Mohamed Morsi, already facing trial on other charges, alleging the Islamist leader insulted the judiciary when he was president, state media said.
Egypt has seen an uptick in bombings and shootings, mostly aimed at the security forces, since August 14 when hundreds were killed in clashes when police broke up two pro-Morsi protest camps in Cairo.
The military has been facing an insurgency in north Sinai, a haven for Al-Qaeda-inspired militants who have launched almost daily attacks against security forces in recent weeks.........

....Elsewhere, police called in military bomb disposal experts after residents from Abu Aref village said they spotted a bomb on the railroad that links Suez with another canal city, Ismailiya.
Two mortar rounds and a rocket-propelled grenade were attached to a fuse and appeared to have been intended for a 6:00 am (0400 GMT) train, officials said.
Hours later, assailants hurled a grenade at a Cairo police station, security officials said.....

From Reuters:
.....Radical Islamists in the rugged desert        region adjoining Israel, who expanded into a security vacuum left by the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in 2011, have been staging almost daily assaults on security forces and other targets.
Dozens of tanks and armoured vehicles backed by attack helicopters were used in Saturday's operation near Sheikh Zuweid, a few kilometres (miles) from the Palestinian Gaza Strip, security sources said.
The army said nine militants had been arrested........

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