Monday, September 16, 2013

The disinformation campaign by the anti-Assad camp re. Mother Pelagia Sayyaf of the Saint Mar Takla monastery in Maaloula

The anti-Assad camp hates Mother Pelagia Sayyaf and has started a campaign of disinformation against her because she prays for Assad's well-being and has openly said in the vid below in March 2012 that it is Assad and his army who has protected them from outside forces.  She comes into the video at around the 2:20 mark.

The anti-Assad camp, with part of the money our Canadian govt has allocated to the anti-Assad bloggers of propaganda and disinformation, continue to tweet that Mother Pelagia Sayyaf, the Head of the Saint Mar Takla monastery, was labelled a "terrorist"  and a "traitor" by the pro-Assad camp for saying that the terrorist scum who invaded the city of Maaloula had not damaged the churches.... however,  nowhere do these idiots give the links to those claims.

Christian voters of the Conservative govt. of Stephen Harper should never forget what he has done by siding with the USA/UK/France/SaudiArabia/Turkey coalition to extinguish the remaining Christians in Syria. Come the next election, even if you are a lukewarm Christian like me, please rethink the kind of person you give your vote to.  It would be better to vote for the NDP or the Green party of  Elizabeth May ... at least we know these two will not let our country be part of a coalition that wants to destroy a country that has not done us any  harm that we know of.

This is what the anti-Assad site Syrian Observer says without giving a single link  whatsoever as proof:
Regime supporters used social networking sites, including Facebook, to deliver a poisonous message against Pelagia, circulating a statement that described her as a “terrorist” and “traitor” and said that she conspired with terrorists and misled Assad's forces to help the Free Syrian Army fighters in destroying Maaloula.

and then the anti-Assad maggots come out in droves to retweet the same rubbish giving the Syrian Observer as "proof" but without giving any other link.

So you see dear Canadians, our taxpayers money is going to line the pockets of this kind of scum.  I am in no way making allowances or giving credence to the pro-Assad camp.  I am just stating facts the way I see them and looking for the truth in the sticky lying propaganda from both sides.  

It's obvious to see that the propaganda again Mother Pelagia Sayyaf is carried out by the anti-Assad camp in the guise of supporting the nun from the stuff said against her by the pro-regime camp.  In reality they want to turn the pro-Assad camp against the good nun.

In March 2012 Mother Pelagia had given a short interview (see vid above).  From that it is apparent that early last year the  Judeo-Christian betrayers in the West had sent their emissaries (moderate terrorists ...hahahhaha) to the city of Maaloula to enlist the Muslims there in their "opposition rebel army" but they had been sent packing by the Muslim residents of that city. 

From Detheologized blog posted in March 2012:
.....NATO-backed outsiders  failed in town where Jesus’ language is still spoken....
....Mother Pelagia said “If you hear that the army enters this city and kills people, believe me – this is a mistake [a lie]… Our country before the crisis was going forward, now we are all losing ground… God bless Assad.”....
In the words of another citizen interviewed:
“We used to live in peace – Muslims and Christians – of course we’re afraid people from outside the city and this country may come and destroy this unity. Assad became more than just the head of State. He’s a kind of international symbol of this fight for our life.”
My Comment: Prior to the rise of the NATO-backed and NATO financed Syrian ‘insurgency’, Assad’s secular state was one of the last governments in the Arab world under which a citizenry enjoyed peaceful coexistence of diverse religious and ethnic communities. The people know this, and they also know that the violent and random provocations of the murderous Arab mercenaries and outsiders (and the still bigger violence planned by their NATO handlers) have threatened the whole secular foundation for this peace.
In my unprofessional opinion, I think what we’re looking at in Syria is a fraudulent program of regime change.  Like Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, Vietnam in 1963, El Salvador, Angola, etc., etc.  The Cold Warrior and Neocon do not understand true democracy or humanitarianism, and we see his/her unmistakeable signature in the great civilian tragedies resulting from all of the above covert actions, no less than in the more recently broken and utterly failed states of Iraq and Libya.
One can always spot the Neocon footprint in the wake of US/NATO’s self-serving efforts to effect changes in non-NATO countries: fraudulent opposition movements, phony replacement governments, ruined sovereignty, co-opted national resources, and untold civilian death .

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