Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The deception from "experts" and "pundits" continue unabated in the lobbying nation of the USA

The outing of  "Dr" Elizabeth O'Bagy as a paid lackey of  the "opposition"  to Assad has happened only because so many people researching the current events are looking at everything more minutely than ever before and not taking anything at face value. Once fooled, twice shy.  

The following article is a "must read" will recognize some of the faces and you will be surprised to know that these "pundits"  and "experts"  are actually vying for your attention to feed you a lot of crap  so they can get  big bucks from lobbying groups and interested parties.  

Rebecca Hellmich and Peter Hart  writing at BillMoyers:
....On an episode of NBC’s Meet the Press (6/23/13),   right-leaning pundit Mike Murphy called Edward Snowden a “so-called whistleblower” and defended the NSA’s wide-ranging surveillance programs. “The Internet is an incredibly effective tool for terrorists and outlaws,” he said. “So it’s not surprising that the security side of the state is trying to compete with that.”

What might have been surprising to viewers, as Lee Fang reported for The Nation (6/24/13), is that “Murphy himself has a stake in this debate that arguably ought to have been disclosed.” The lobbying firm he founded, Navigators Global, represents large private contractors that work with the NSA.

And in 2011, Murphy joined Revolution Agency, a PR firm whose clients include major corporations and trade groups. The firm creates advertising campaigns on key political issues from energy policy to consumer protection — opposing the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, for instance.

Murphy, as Revolution’s website proudly notes, writes regular columns for Time magazine and appears on NPR and Meet the Press.

But do readers, viewers or listeners have any idea what Murphy does at his day job?

If they do, it’s not because the outlets feel any obligation to disclose anything about his work. Murphy is usually identified as a “former Republican strategist” — which tells something about his politics, but nothing about the very powerful interests paying his salary.

Murphy isn’t the only one, of course. Plenty of pundits play the role of partisan warriors in cable TV studios. But that’s not their real job — or at least not the one where they likely make their real money.........

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