Sunday, September 22, 2013

Saudi Arabia's protégés in Pakistan kill Christians during Sunday services just like its other protégés do in Nigeria and elsewhere

Suicide bombers and jihadis are the fruit of the rotten tree that's been planted in Pakistan with Saudi Arabia billions of dollars spent in building madrasas and mosques.   Isn't it wonderful,  we have so many  allies who love nothing better than seeing Christians bleeding to death and blown into millions of bits? Pakistan's government  will of course blame the Taliban for this but will refrain from  mentioning that a good portion of the Pakistani youth get their education from religious schools called madrasas which are funded by Saudi Arabia and all that's taught in those dens is how to kill the infidel.

Ismail Khan and Salman Masood at NYTimes:
....A suicide attack   on a historic Christian church in northwestern Pakistan killed at least 75 people on Sunday in one of the deadliest attacks on the Christian minority in Pakistan in years.

The attack occurred as worshipers left the All Saints Church in the old quarter of the regional capital, Peshawar, after a service on Sunday morning. Up to 600 worshipers had attended the service and were leaving to receive free food being distributed on the lawn outside when two explosions ripped through the crowd.

Dozens of people were killed and more than 100 wounded, said Akhtar Ali Shah, the home secretary of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province.

The death toll continued to rise as rescue workers sifted through the damaged church property, said Hamid Ullah, a rescue worker with Al Khidmat Foundation, a rescue service operated by the Jamaat-e-Islami political party. He said his team had recovered 75 bodies.
The dead included women, children and two Muslim police officers who had been posted outside the church. Witness reported scenes of mayhem as rescue workers ferried victims from the church, which witnesses said was scattered with body parts, shrapnel and bloodied clothing..........

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