Monday, September 23, 2013

Quebec's charter of values initiative has huge support...

and not just in Quebec.  See what happens when you want your own Judeo-Christian religion or values to stand in equality with the intensive madness of  cults disguised as religions?  The results are what's now happening in the Province of Quebec.   In order to make justice equal to one and all,  your Christian symbols are now also gonna get banned.  Either you yourself, or your parents or their parents wanted to show how goody-two-shoes and tolerant and all embracing of everybody and everybody's cults, all of  you were.  So ... now take what's coming and lump it!   This is the price one pays for one's folly.

Sidhartha Banerjee of CP at CTVNews: 
...Supporters of Quebec's charter of values   numbered in the hundreds as they descended on downtown Montreal calling for a secular state and urging the government to go forward with its plan to push state employees to leave their religious garb at home.
The Parti Quebecois government formally announced its plan earlier this month, one that would prohibit state employees from wearing overt religious symbols. That would include everyone from judges and police officers to daycare and health care workers and school teachers.
Several hundred gathered in a Montreal square on Sunday and marched to voice their support for the Parti Quebecois' controversial secular plan for public sector employees.
"If we don't have religious symbols, I think it's easier to accept each other for all societies," said Robert Carrier, one of those on hand.
Polls commissioned in recent weeks have suggested a deep divide among Quebecers over the controversial charter. Those same polls have also suggested that support for it has been dropping.
But those who gathered under a light rain on Sunday said it's necessary to have such rules to be able to live together. They argue that religion is creeping into everyday Quebec society and it causes strife between citizens.
Daphne Poirier said she has friends who are Jewish and Arab and they all have different views on their own religion -- some are more observant while others have a more lax attitude. In the end, it has little impact on her personal dealings with them.
"My friendship goes beyond their system of values," said Poirier, a translator who defines herself as an atheist. She says she doesn't push her beliefs on anyone and doesn't think others should be able to on her.
"I respect everybody and what they do when they go to the synagogue or when they go to a mosque, that's their (business)," she said. "But I don't think it belongs in the public space."...........

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