Thursday, September 12, 2013

Husband's missing husband sniffed out by dog

The person who thought it was the done thing for married gays to call each other husband,  for male gays,  and wives for female gays, must have been one big doofus.  It's so difficult not to laugh out loud when something like this story happens.  If only the gay community  had decided to  use "significant other" when referring to their spouse, they would not be a cause of additional derision which inadvertently happens even in such sad cases as the present one.   Call me obnoxious all you want, but the moment I read or hear "husband's husband" or  "wife's wife"  I snort and go into a laughing fit.  

Now that we know that one of the husbands is an unstable husband .... what happens to the two kids these two husbands were allowed to adopt?
I am totally against gays adopting children, for a myriad of reasons.....and religious beliefs is not one of them.  

Also, I wonder if the Toronto Police Services would have danced so hard and fast for any of the rest of us ordinary citizens who are unfortunately not millionaires-made-lately.

Ann Hui writing at Globe&Mail:
...George Smitherman made a brief appearance Wednesday afternoon to thank police and the public for their help in finding his husband Christopher Peloso, who had been missing since Monday afternoon.

Mr. Peloso was found Wednesday at about 11 a.m. in the area near Lansdowne Avenue and Davenport Road by Toronto Police. He had been reported missing Monday, after he was last sighted at about 4 p.m. near the couple’s home by Davenport Road and Bathurst Street..........

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