Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hillary the Liar's approval of war on Syria will muddle her chances to stand in 2016?

I don't think so.  Do you even know any of  her supporters, the ones with the never-ending deep pockets and powerful lobbyists, who will stand with her in the campaign of disinformation to incinerate other Dem. candidates?  "All the world's a stage"  as Shakespeare said.  We paid for our tickets ... so we might as well watch the show and applaud or boo here and there.  The show will go on in spite of everything coming from the audience as nothing can  change the given script and plot.

Steve Chapman writing at ChicagoTribune:
The showdown with Syria has taken a toll    on President Obama's standing with the electorate. Only 40 percent approve of his handling of foreign affairs -- the lowest number ever for him.

But the political fallout of the crisis goes beyond the incumbent. It could also have a big effect on his heir apparent, Hillary Clinton. She came out today in favor of the strikes Obama wants to carry out, and if things go badly, that decision will come back to haunt her -- as her vote for the Iraq war did in 2008. It would invite a challenge in the Democratic primary from someone opposed to the Syria attack.

Adding to the fuel for an insurgency is her role in an administration that has implemented the massive National Security Agency surveillance program, which many Democratic voters find reminiscent of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. That, along with Syria, has spread disenchantment with Obama. It's hard to believe that the disenchanted will happily turn over the party nomination to Clinton -- not if they have an alternative.........

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