Thursday, September 19, 2013

Guns for sale

You can pick the very best from the Libyans.  These are those lovely, expensive beauties that were supplied to the "opposition to Ghadafi" by you-know-who.  Libyans are now selling tonnes of  them openly on  Facebook.

I will make a guess here and bet that in this same mix will be tonnes of weapons from the Syrian "opposition to Assad"  that are also being supplied by you-know-who.  Nice money to be made in wartime, isn't it?   Many millionaires were made during WW2 too.   In modern wars, there's lotta loot for those who know how to stash and save these goodies for selling later. And, it won't be just the muzzies making wads of money.... no sireeee!   The ones who will make the most will be the ones actually involved in the dispatch or handling of the goods from the Western
manufacturers to the rebels....the end-users.  That route is long and many things can go missing en route.   HAHAHAHAHAH. Wars are fun!  Wars bring out the worst traits in even people who consider themselves to be above it all.  Very few can resist the temptation to steal when the stealing is so easy and without the consequences of being found out or apprehended.
Expect the gun market to be flooded with even more guns as days go by and the West keep shoveling even more weaponry on the "opposition to Assad".   Many fun days are ahead of us.  

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