Monday, September 9, 2013

Follow the Boko Haram stink and it will surely lead to either Saudi Arabia or Qatar

It's a safe bet that Nigeria's plague  the Boko Haram scum, who are cutting people to pieces and burning them alive, are in the pay of the two most evil nations in the Middle East.  Fat cows, made fat by money from the West.... which same money is then used to destroy the West.

Saudi Arabia is the country that the USA  should have  blown to smithereens after 9/11 but dimwit George "islam is a religion of peace" Bush decided to instead invade Iraq....and by so doing has brought the world to the present  day in time when we are readying ourselves for WWIII which will sadly strengthened the same scum who want to do us in.

Either Saudi Arabia or Qatar or both,  are keeping a constant supply of sophisticated weaponry available to Boko Haram.  Don't be surprised if one of these days the Muslims in Burma too start killing Buddhists with similar kind of weapons .... supplied from same source.

From ENCA:
.....Zannah Fannami, a 27-year-old operative with the Civilian Joint Task Force vigilante group, said its members were attacked while awaiting Boko Haram's approach on the town.

"We heard that they would be coming since Friday and had been keeping vigil all nights," he said from the University of Maiduguri hospital while being treated for a bullet to his right thigh. Late Saturday night, "when we least expected it, we heard a thunderous sound like that of a bomb coming from the direction of a soldiers' post, then we decided to advance toward the sound and the Boko Haram gunmen, carrying sophisticated arms, opened fire on us, killing 12 of our members."

He said the vigilante group, which formed to fight the Boko Haram network, was able to kill five of the Islamic sect members and take possession of four AK-47 rifles.

Another injured Civilian-JTF operative, 32-year-old Muhammed Abuwar, said: "The military had agreed to watch and lay in ambush with us against the Boko Haram, but when the attackers came, none of them came over to assist us. Most of the Boko Haram shooters were shooting from atop trees."..........

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