Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 10 of siege to Christian city of Maaloula (Malula) by 3000 terrorists .... September 13, 2013

No clear indicators that the siege is over.  Some anti-Assad forums say the FSA terrorists have "withdrawn because of terrible lies against them "    yup ... I too laughed at that. 

Never forget that the politicians you vote for, whether you are in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, France or any of the other Judeo-Christian countries  .... never forget that these are the same politicians who have put their signatures to the document that is aiding, abetting, funding and arming these Al Qaeda terrorists. 

The terrorists know that Assad won't bomb them because of possible damage to heritage sites of both Christians and Muslims ...  and so several more gangs have converged on the Christian city's hilltops and made them mini-strongholds for themselves because from those strategic points the sharpshooters can pick off Assad's soldiers, one by one with ease.  This is typical of the islamists .... wherever there is a strong indication of Christianity, that's the very place they target .... it's their way of giving Christians everywhere the finger.  Logic tells me that if 3000 terrorists have descended on the Christian city,  its not going to be easy to dislodge the bastards without cutting off their food and water supplies or using CWs on the scum. Now, I can clearly see the benefits of using CWs  .... even if others can't.  

From BarnabasAid  dated September 13
...A siege by al-Qaeda-linked rebels   of the historic Christian village of Maaloula, Syria, has highlighted the severity of the threat to the country’s Christian minority. Barnabas is continuing to provide relief to thousands of families who have been driven from their homes by such targeted violence.
The militants launched an assault on Maaloula on the outskirts of Damascus last Wednesday (4 September). They seized control of the village, which is one of the most famous and historic centres of Christianity in the world, following clashes with government troops. Fighting is ongoing.  
The bodies of Christians shot dead in the violent takeover were left lying in the streets, and residents were threatened, “Either you convert to Islam or you will be beheaded.” At least seven Christians were killed and around 15 kidnapped. 
After moving into the village, the Islamists entered every Christian home and broke Christian symbols. Churches have been attacked and crosses on buildings destroyed.
Christians from Maaloula told Barnabas Aid on Friday (13 September): "Let history record that Maaloula is crying today."
It is a terrifying picture of what has been happening to Christian communities throughout Syria; they are being deliberately targeted by Islamists among the opposition forces because of their faith.
Hundreds of thousands have now either fled the country or are internally displaced, having had to leave their homes and most of their possessions behind. Barnabas is providing aid, including food parcels, hygiene kits, clothing, blankets, heaters, sleeping mats and medical care, to the most needy Christian families.  ..........

From FarsNews dated September 13:
....The Syrian Army continued    its field progress in Maaloula.  A unit of the Syrian army killed the leader of a rebel group affiliated to al-Nusra Front Southwest of Ma'loula, along with a number of his group's members as other units razed insurgents' dens in Ras al-Ein farms and al-Sarkha town North of Maaloula, a military source told the Syrian Arab News Agency.....

Raymond Ibrahim  writing at IsraelToday:
....While U.S. leaders continue pushing for war   against the Syrian government, “Al-Qaeda-linked rebels,” reports AP, “launched an assault on a regime-held Christian mountain village in the densely populated west of Syria and new clashes erupted near the capital, Damascus... In the attack on the village of Maaloula, rebels commandeered a mountaintop hotel and nearby caves and shelled the community below, said a nun, speaking by phone from a convent in the village. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.”

Arabic news agency Al Hadath gives more information concerning this latest terror attack on Syria’s Christians, specifically how the al-Qaeda linked rebels “terrorized the Christians, threatening to be avenged on them after the triumph of the revolution.”
Thus al-Qaeda terrorists eagerly await US assistance against the Syrian government, so they can subjugate if not slaughter Syria’s Christians, secularists, and non-Muslims — even as the Obama administration tries to justify war on Syria by absurdly evoking the “human rights” of Syrians on the one hand, and lying about al-Qaeda’s presence in Syria on the other....

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