Saturday, September 28, 2013

Britainistan imports and exports Muslim terrorists on a daily basis

The same is happening in all the Judeo-Christian  Judas countries of the West but we don't hear of the stories because the media does not think it's any of our business to know when and how we infidels will meet our end.

Two men have been charged with terrorism and firearms offences after being stopped in Dover, British police say.
Mohommod Hassin Nawaz, 29, and Hamza Nawaz, 22, of Stratford, east London, are accused of attending a terrorist training camp in Syria.
The pair were stopped by police at the Kent sea port after travelling from Calais in France, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said.....
....They have both been charged with conspiring to attend "a place used for terrorist training knowing" and being in possession of a stash of rifle ammunition.
Mohommod Hassin Nawaz is also been charged with being in possession of a laptop computer containing "information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism".......

Najul Islam, from Newham, east London, was accused at Westminster Magistrates' Court of supplying cash for Shajul Islam and Jubayer Chowdhury, Scotland Yard said.
It is alleged that between January 1 and January 11 last year, he paid for them to travel to Syria, knowing that they would "be engaging or be prepared to engage in acts of terrorism".
He is accused of paying for supplies including night vision goggles, air rifle optic mounts and medical equipment, and driving from the UK to Turkey to deliver them to his brother, who is a junior doctor.
Prosecutors also claim that Najul Islam sent money abroad to his brother.

..The Briton aroused suspicion as he passed through Jomo Kenyatta airport because of bruises to his face and his dark glasses, according to the Daily Mail.
He later told authorities the injuries happened during a visit to Somalia.
His UK passport appeared to be genuine although it is understood he had no record of his arrival in Kenya or travel in the country. He was in possession of a visa.....

A Kenyan intelligence officer and two soldiers each claimed one of the al-Shabaab terrorists who had been killed in the Westgate attack was a white female.
Earlier, a senior Kenyan intelligence source said video footage from within the complex did show a white woman among the attackers.
He said she was actively involved and believed to be British......

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