Saturday, September 7, 2013

Australia wins because Tony Abbott won

Sad day for the news media idiots in Australia.   In spite of  them,  Tony Abbott won a landslide victory. This goes to show how much more powerful alternate media has become and how individual blogs and Twitter, even if your voice reaches only your own family members and a few friends, can still have an impact  and  can contribute to change the state of  things, not only in one's own country, but worldwide too.   

Hopefully, the last six years of  unbridled immigration from Muslim countries and the worst of the rebels from Sri Lanka to Australia under the outgoing govt. will come to an end.   The tweet below from Rupert Murdoch says what most commonsense Australians have been thinking.

Anthony Watts of WattsUpWithThat blog says it best:
Australia liberated from their long national green nightmare. Today is a great day not only in Australian history, but also in world history. It marks the day when people of character and sensibility pushed back against an overwrought and pointless green agenda, and pushed back in a big way. They’ve had enough, and they’ve scraped the Krudd off their shoes and are moving forward.

Tony Abbot has won the Australian election in a landslide, and vows to abolish the carbon tax as a first order of business. Abbott has declared Australia is “once more open for business” in claiming victory in Saturday’s election............

Hardly any happy shouts from the Australian media itself.  Most have pics and speeches from the outgoing PM instead of showing the new honcho.  Geez!  How disgusting!

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