Friday, August 30, 2013

Where in the world is Damascus ?

Take the test   here.  

Zoom into the map before you click your answer otherwise it's tough to pinpoint.  Although, IMO,  I know my geography,  I took the test without zooming in and found myself more than 200 miles away from Damascus and into Israel.  

Felicity Morse writing at TheIndependent:
.....Given the widespread news coverage  of Syria over the past week and frequent reporting of the conflict for the past twenty months, it seems surprising that anyone wouldn’t know where Damascus was......

........He said "I can tell you that, as of writing this sentence, there have been 19 answers sent through the Houses of Parliament's proxy servers: 18 were very close, but one guess was in the middle of western Mongolia. I hope that respondent isn't in charge of anything military. "

Other results showed that many people knew that it was to the east of a sea, but picked the Black or Caspian rather than the Mediterranean, while 65% were within 500 miles, or “vaguely in the Middle East”. Turkey, Iraq, and Iran were popular choices. 18% were further than 1,000 miles away. Many of these guessed somewhere in the Sahara Desert, or in the Balkan states.

Two people picked Siberia and one person picked Texas.............

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