Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What puts more money in your pocket ... Welfare or Work?

The answer is Welfare.

No wonder people hooked to welfare never want to get off it.  In some areas of the USA,  welfare pays more than the PRETAX salaries  paid to  teachers, secretaries and even computer programmers.   Yup .... better believe it.  It's the madness of the USA  ... and I fear it's the same here in Canada and the UK and the rest of the EU.  Is it any wonder that people flock to the West.  Many immigrants come here  for the safety and freedom that is in the DNA of the Judeo-Christian nations .....but  the rest  probably come for the free money.  Do you blame them? 

Brenda Cronin writing at Wall Street Journal:
.....Hawaii offers the most generous welfare benefits package in the U.S., but a cluster of New England and Mid-Atlantic states aren’t far behind.....

....  The state-by-state estimates are based on a hypothetical family participating in about seven of the 126 federal anti-poverty programs: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; the Women, Infants and Children program; Medicaid; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; and receiving help on housing and utilities.

In Hawaii, that translates into a 2013 package of $49,175 — up $7,265 from an inflation-adjusted $41,910 in 1995. Rounding out the top five areas for welfare benefits, along with their 2013 amounts, were: the District of Columbia ($43,099), Massachusetts ($42,515), Connecticut ($38,761) and New Jersey ($38,728).

The state with the lowest benefits package in 2013 was Mississippi, at $16,984, followed by Tennessee ($17,413), Arkansas ($17,423), Idaho ($17,766) and Texas (18,037)........

.......The authors found that in 11 states, “welfare pays more than the average pretax first-year wage for a teacher [in those states]. In 39 states, it pays more than the starting wage for a secretary. And, in the three most generous states a person on welfare can take home more money than an entry-level computer programmer.”...........

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