Monday, August 19, 2013

Wanna see Muslim Brotherhood supporters in the USA, Canada, France and the UK who sanction killing of Christians in Egypt?

See them in all their glory in the four videos  below.

From InvestigativeProject:
Demonstrators who took to  Washington , D.C.'s Freedom Plaza Saturday to protest Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's ouster spoke about supporting democracy and justice. This Investigative Project on Terrorism video report shows that granting the protesters' wish and restoring Morsi to power would be a step away from the democracy and justice they claim to seek.

Many of such vile supporters of an organization that wants to caliphate the world and  do away with infidels or force them to pay the jizya  or force them to convert to their insane cult, might be  your colleagues at work, at play, at school, at sports, at anything and everything you do in your daily life and you look at them as sane, normal people.  These sane and normal looking people are the very same people who are supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt  ....  a Muslim Brotherhood that used red graffiti to mark the walls and doorways of Christian homes, churches and businesses as an indicator for their supporters to burn, destroy, pillage, abuse and kill those within and without. 

And, after you see the supporters of killers in the four vids in this blog post,  ask yourselves how is it that such people who condone the killing, raping, burning of Christians and their places of worship,  can still pretend to appear normal and pretend  to be your best buddy at work and outside the workplace.  The simple answer is "Taqiyya"  .... look it up and try to understand what it means and draw your own conclusions.

After you have seen the above vids of the kind of people the Immigration depts of all these countries have found fit to import to peaceful countries,  do you still think your elected leaders are working on your behalf and for the good of your country or do you feel they have been completely corrupted and want to remain in power no matter what and no matter from where or from whom they get the votes to keep them on their pedestals?

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