Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Trials and Tribulations of Lefty Dreamers

Only naive, stupid, and absolute idiots  travel to countries where they feel confident that  Muslim"terrorists" are wrongly labelled to be so by those hateful Right wing, malicious, bigots and racists. Having that peer pressure to appear to be a sweet, nice and loving person to all creatures under the sun and to be politically correct even at the point of death  is what gets the naively stupid in the most horrendous situations in muzzie lands they opt to travel for "adventure."  In my opinion,  TV channels like the Canadian CBC, the British BBC, the many American lefty channels and the lefty media in general, who refrain from telling people the truth about islam,  are the main culprits who should bear the  blame for the deaths of thousands of  non-Muslims  at the hands of a people and culture they foolishly believe to be  akin to their own and whose countries they believe are  safe and free as the ones they were born in.  

Amanda Lindhout suffered torture and rape for almost all of the 459 days she was a captive of bastards in Somalia.  I wonder what kind of help she gets now that she is back in Canada  that prevents her from  howling aloud when she sees the thousands of  Somalians in the streets of Canada.  Very few women would have gone through what she did without losing their sanity.  Her story should be widely told, especially to the young idiots who rally  on behalf of Muslims without knowing a single concrete thing about the inherent character of their culture and religion.  

Did Amanda Lindhout give birth in Somalia to a baby born of rape and torture?  Maybe, her book "A house in the sky" will lay to rest  if that's a rumour ...  or is it a fact?

The most irritating part of the article below  is that according to the writer,
"Lindhout says she still thinks about her kidnappers. She tries not to hate them and understands they are products of a violent environment and an unending war"   
which goes to prove that  even when naive, stupid, idiotic women are tortured and raped  for  459 days and nights by the worst of animals on earth ... they somehow still cling to  the stupidity that got them in those situations in the first place.

Chris Purdy writing at CP:
.....Left alone, Lindhout resolved    that she was better off dead. She would take a rusty razor to her wrists.
........But as she held the blade in her hand, a small, brown bird flew into the doorway of the room where she was being held. It hopped on the dirty floor, looked at her and flew away. It was the first bird she'd seen since shortly after she was taken.
"I'd always believed in signs ... and now, when it most mattered, I'd had one," she writes. "I would live and go home. It didn't matter what came next or what I had to endure.
"I would make it through."
In an advance edition of a book, which is set for release next month, the 32-year-old details the brutal 15 months she spent in captivity along with Australian photographer Nigel Brennan. Entitled "A House in the Sky," the book is co-authored by Sara Corbett, a contributing writer with the New York Times Magazine.
The book reveals how Lindhout and Brennan's families eventually gave up on the Canadian and Australian governments and co-ordinated the pair's release themselves...........

....The kidnappers blamed Lindhout for the escape, even though it had been Brennan's idea. The next day, in a prayer room, they put a sheet over her head, stripped down her clothes and took turns violating her body.....

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